Adding a trigger to your AWS Lambda Function

Ivhani Maselesele
2 min readApr 20, 2020


This is probably going to be the shortest section in this tutorial series. Follow the steps below to create add a trigger to your AWS Lambda function.

  • On the left of designer, click “Add Trigger”, as shown below
AWS Lambda Designer
  • Choose a trigger, we’re using “ CloudWatch Events/EventBridge”
  • Choose a rule/ Create a new rule (We’ll create a new one)
  • Give it a name and choose a type (We’ll choose a “Schedule expression”)
  • Give it an cron expression (We’re using “cron(15 04 15 * ? *)” — Monthly on the 15th at 4:15AM GMT)
  • You can learn more about cron expressions here
  • Hit save and you should be all set, see our configuration below:
AWS CloudWatch Event Trigger Configuration

Once again, congratulations, you’ve created your AWS CloudWatch Event Trigger.

In the next section, we’ll create a spreadsheet and service account credentials we’ll use to programmatically access the spreadsheet. Click here to go to the next section.

This is tutorial is broken up into 5 parts:



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